Chuckleberry Community Farm
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Chuckleberry Community Farm
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Chuckleberry Community Farm is welcoming edgeworkers and culture creatives to collaborate in the creation of a village, the birthing place of a new culture that renders Modern Culture completely obsolete. Come immerse yourself in a land-based community dedicated to the evolution of consciousness.
This opportunity is for you if you have lived in community before or are sincere in your interest to experience the ecstasies and pains of living and collaborating with others. Coming from a culture that prizes intellectualization, you might find yourself confronted with your own constructs and ideas around what it means to be in community. Disillusionment is a normal part of the transition from the culture you come from to the culture of Chuckleberry.
If you feel called to seize the opportunity to come to Chuckleberry, consider participating in one of our programs. Our long-term commitments are based on the experience that it takes time to cultivate the deep relationships required for conscious collaboration, to heal and uncover your connection to Source, and to authentically go through the initiatory processes needed for you to become the co-creator of a new culture.
Chuckleberry offers the opportunity to:
- deeply heal and nourish your Being;
- let go of old survival strategies;
- practice heartfelt and authentic communication;
- confront and integrate your shadow aspects;
- be-with others dedicated to a path of self-dicovery;
- learn to consciously feel all of what is passing through you;
- experiment with completely new ways of living, being, doing, relating and creating;
- go beyond the concepts and constructs that have been holding you back from delivering your unique gifts to the world.
Volunteering at Chuckleberry offers the unique opportunity to engage with the spiritual practice of selfless service, often called Karma Yoga. This immensely transformative practice involves working for a greater whole, without thought of reward or punishment, all the while putting high quality into your efforts and expecting nothing in return.
Through your service to the farm, you will be invited to experience the rewarding results of embodying the present moment while feeling into you own somatic experience and being with the beauty of the natural world around you. The transformative nature of Karma Yoga organically evokes often hidden undigested psychological content, in an environment that both teaches you and supports you to attend to and integrate this content. By committing to this lifestyle and sharing it with fellow community members you can begin to experience the amazingly magical life available to every one of us as we leave behind our mind-based reality. Volunteering at Chuckleberry is an invitation to serve more than yourself, and in doing so, welcome out more of your True Nature.
As a volunteer on the farm, you will be gaining valuable experience in various aspects of growing nutrient-dense organic food using permaculture principles, while being guided to incorporate presence and responsibility in every task you do. You will have access to a large variety of ingredients to cook with, shared communal accommodations, and many workshops to empower your transformational journey and self-expansion. By committing to a voluntary exchange with Chuckleberry, you are committing to a relationally-centered, regenerative lifestyle that naturally catalyzes the evolution of human consciousness.
If you feel called, please fill out our online application form here.
If you have any questions, please call Brianne at 250-551-8947.