Chuckleberry Community Farm
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Chuckleberry Community Farm
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cultivating human consciousness
Chuckleberry is a community of inspired, clear-minded individuals creating a relational-centred, regenerative lifestyle that naturally catalyzes the evolution of human consciousness. We are enabling the old paradigm to fade away without fighting; we are allowing a practical yet magical nature to guide our way.
People come to Chuckleberry not just to learn about sustainability and organic food production. Coming to Chuckleberry is an invitation to relax into all of what you are and all of what you feel. In-house workshops and trainings are available to support you on your journey.
Chuckleberry News
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Farmers Supporting Farmers
We trade microgreens or vegetables with local farmers
in exchange for fruit, bread, eggs, and other food items.
Trading creates resilience and strength in our extended village. By trading, we exit the modern financial system and cultivate a web of friendships that sustain local food security.