Chuckleberry Community Farm
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Chuckleberry Community Farm
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- Get in touch+1 (250) 551-8947 or +1 (250) 551-9075
Happy Chuckies
iChuckleberry gave me hope when I was feeling most lost in my life. Being here has shown me the infinite possibilities available beyond the limited and predictable offer of life in modern society. Here, I have been supported in my authentic exploration of who I really am. I have been supported to become the Source and the Creator of my Destiny. The culture that I am part of at Chuckleberry is for the ones that are willing to break down the walls that have tightened their spirit and who are seeking the ncredible aliveness of having awakened to their True Nature. Chuckleberry is for those of you who want to experience the true meaning of Community, Family; people that embrace your pain and celebrate your
transformation, with Love.Isaac
I arrived at Chuckleberry intrigued, yet skeptical and nervous of the unknown. Quickly, my hesitance was replaced with gratitude and awe for the care with which I was welcomed and treated. My experience at this community farm was genuinely unforgettable and live altering. The speed at which this community catalysed my growth, learning, and healing is unparalleled. I came to Chuckleberry to find tranquility and a sense of self; and stayed for these things, along with amazing food, the open-minded, caring and compassionate people, and the fulfilling work. The environment uses consciousness to navigate an overwhelming and hectic world, while providing practical methods of deconstructing harmful thought processes. I am eternally grateful for this experience and would recommend it to any and everyone looking to add clarity and emotional intelligence into their lives.
Entering the vortex of Chuckleberry with the intention of catalyzing inner healing and transformation is one of the biggest gifts you can give to yourself. In this age where social norms do not serve the highest evolution of human consciousness, places like this are increasingly precious and rare. And the people you meet here may not seem very magical at first, but by the end, you'll have had some of the most important conversations of your life with them, and bonded more authentically than you thought possible.
Be warned though. There are two Chuckleberries - one is a rustic, minimalist, off-grid and manually-run farm that can be frustrating and exhausting, at least at first, for those not used to living an active lifestyle in the isolated wilderness. But the other is a bubble of warmth, where your psychological baggage and inner demons are given the space to be known and re-integrated into the psyche. If you're on a spiritual quest of some kind, and need a place for a short and intense period of inner evolution, this is the place to go.
There were times at this place when I felt fully human; so re-humanized, so seen and acknowledged that I was able to feel like the fullest version of my self. But there were also huge struggles, waves and waves of difficult emotions purifying themselves out, which thankfully did not overcome me, due to the supportive atmosphere. I feel like I'm able to face so much more in "the real world" and within my own mind, in the context of meditation practice, after having lived just 2 months here.
Although at times I felt lost and confused, wondering what benefit there possibly could be to going to farm for 6 hours a day atop a mountain far away from any modern conveniences, the gifts this place gave me are becoming more and more obvious after having left. This is a place to learn self-control, psychological purification, compassionate vulnerability, radical accountability, and trust for your higher self's constant intuition.
Which, if you ask me, is totally worth reality's splash of cold water on our unconscious faces!
I arrived at Chuckleberry on the 12th of March 2023. Today is the 26th of February 2024, and in two days I will leave the Farm.
The person who arrived here is mostly gone. What survived this time here of the person I was is hopefully continuing to die as I journey on.
I arrived here with the story in my mind, that I know how transformation goes. I know what it looks like, I even know how to do it to other people.
In my story about myself, I was walking on the path of transformation seriously committed for the last 5 years at least.
These ideas about myself got seriously questioned if not even destroyed.
You might wonder now, that this doesn't sound appealing at all. Having my ideas about myself destroyed, and dying? What is the use of that?
This notion is only appealing to a certain kind of people. People who are interested in waking up out of the illusions they live in. These people are rare to find. They are a certain kind of weird community that seeks out dangerous spaces and dangerous conversations for the sake of discovering what is real. They carry questions inside like: "What is going on behind the stories the mind constantly creates about everything and everyone? What is the reality of being?
Those kinds of people stay around at Chuckleberry. It was a hard and long journey for me to discover the difference between the stories my mind has about people and the reality that lives in the heart of my being with those people. Nothing will ever make up for the value I got out of finding and continuously finding the beingness of myself and of others.
At Chuckleberry I got to live in a community setting. People come, people go. Here I found an alive tohuwabouhu (the German word for exactly that) of people living here for some time, bringing themselves in and leaving. It is all held by a structure of working together on the farm, daily check-ins, and two weekly opportunities to be together and discover and heal what is happening in the relational field.
Many people I have encountered here walk past the precious opportunity this place holds. For me, Chuckleberry is a place to heal the depths of what needed to find healing in myself. A place where I could learn who I am in relationships with people who are willing to see and meet all the facets of my being. My tender, wild, loud, quiet, chaotic, fierce, crazy, powerful, caring, in need, or giving sides were held in a nonwavering (of course sometimes also challenged and triggered) consciousness of the people here.
Chuckleberry is a wellspring of transformational opportunities. The work I did here 6 hours a day, 5 days a week taught me a lot about myself. I grew up never really enjoying work. Work was a hassle I had to do, but it was mostly just in the way of me doing what I wanted to do. Here, I got to encounter parts of me that need and cherish to work physically. Working is an opportunity to practice bringing all my energy forward. Practicing navigating the physical world with more skillfulness, power, ease, and elegance is growing my capacity to show up as these qualities in the world. Having something to do, no matter if "I" (the idea of me) wants to do it right now, allowed me to practice being something that transcends my self-image, and I learned (and am still learning) to enjoy being, no matter what I am doing. To have the structure of work created also a strong fundament of staying engaged while inside all kinds of storms were blowing. This strength seems to me essential for being able to move something in the world whilst being on a transformational path.
What Chuckleberry also is, is an open playground. I could bring my proposals, what I care about, and for example practice holding space for things I want to explore. In all that I got feedback about the things that are not working because I am ongoing in relation with other honest people.
This whole place is infused with the spirit of healing, evolution, and grace. The trees and the land itself seem to be eager to support each person living here. I experienced many wonderful encounters with animals, with the creek close by, and the mountains I saw every day became my dear friends.
Last but not least the spaceholders of Chuckleberry are holding a sacred connection with God, Spirit, Bright Principles or however you want to call that mysterious force that animates all of existence. They offered me the chance to encounter that force for myself. To be moved by it, to be shaken to my core. To see what huge commitment it takes to live a life dedicated to this mystery. In their example, I could see that my egocentric ideas, problems, and even pains are little to no excuse at all to justify my lack of love, my lack of dedication, and my arrogant ideas of not having to put all of myself into the work to live a life that serves something greater than myself.
The inspiration and dedication I drew from this time nurtured a sacred fire in me that I will tend to for the rest of my life.I am immeasurable grateful to have encountered Chuckleberry Farm as I did it with the people who I met here. You have changed my life and you will be forever in my heart.
I love you, thank you!
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic time, I realized that my “successful” career did not grant me the happiness and well-being I was longing for. I was stuck. For 30+ years, I lived with internal conflicts between my Authentic self, and the fear of not belonging in society. I had to try something different. I stumbled across Chuckleberry Community Farm.
The lifestyle and structure of Chuckleberry was the perfect set up to accelerate my transformation. Weekly Emotional Intelligence Training became a doorway for me to explore what really matters to me. When I chose to surrender to the present moment, life on the farm allowed me to see my own patterns and belief systems that stopped myself from being the man that I was born to be. Working within the relational field is a great part of life at Chuckleberry. So much of my conditioning and trauma happened in relationship, and so life here is very effective at facing into it and rewiring those patterns. Being in a safe container and doing edgy self-growth work with other like-minded people has shown me the possibility for real change, in every way of life, as a whole. This is hard to come by.
I planned to stay for a month; I stayed for 3 years. I was in no rush to leave - I knew I would be lying to myself if I just went back to my old way of living. Now, I have become a different person. I feel invincible. I have more passion for life. I have much more capacity to connect with myself, and others. I am more optimistic, and more resilient in the face of the difficulties that life brings.
Clarity is the peace that comes from the realisation of being taken care of by my Spirit, as long as I choose to follow its guidance.